Information about the author

Currently, the author works as a pharmacist, but has dedicated several years to neurobiological research. During university years, there was also a fascination for humanities, and the author spent a year in France (Pau) with particular focus on literature, theater and history. Science and humanities have always been of great interests.

“Generations” is the author’s fictional novel debut, followed by a small collection of poems “Time for freedom”. Photographs illustrate to give the content another dimension.

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your spare time?

Writing & Leisure is looking for a partner.

If you have an academic degree and a script that you keep in your desk drawer, then you are welcome to submit it to Writing & Leisure.

Send your CV (contact information, education, work experience), cover letter and manuscript in pdf format. Poems and/or novels. However, not detective genre and reality-based. In the cover letter, you give a description of what you have written, as well as a presentation of yourself. Then tell us how you view your writing in 10 years. And most importantly, what inspires you to write?

Answers can take up to five months.

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